Stoneham Kitchens

KSL Sudbury is an exclusive partner of the renowned retailer Stoneham, discover why.

KSL has partnered with Stoneham to create kitchens for the space you work in, they’re a favourite of the KSL team and we are delighted to have them in our showroom.

Like us, Stoneham Kitchens is an established family company. They have been creating and supplying beautiful bespoke kitchens for 140 years. Four generations on, the team still believes in making kitchens that match both the ambiance you want to create and the space you want to work in.

From their modern factory in Kent, every Stoneham kitchen is hand built to order, using only the finest materials. We chose to work with Stoneham Kitchens as they share commitment to quality craftsmanship and exemplary service. With a full catalogue of bespoke veneers and finishes available, you really can create a scheme that is tailored to what you want from your kitchen.

To speak with one of our designers about how we can help with your kitchen project, visit our Get in Touch page for our contact details.

Speak to our team today

To learn more about how we can create a bespoke contemporary kitchen scheme to suit your taste and budget, please contact us on:

01787 378 250

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